Zakaj treebug?

zato, ker ta kombinacija besed pove moje bistvo - skrb za okolje in ustvarjanje, kjer je moj najboljši prijatelj cuttlebug. okolje je delo, ustvarjanje je strast, oboje pa je način življenja.

petek, 31. marec 2017

božiček v 3d tehniki (13/2017)

k izdelavi te voščilnice me je pritegnil izziv pri UnstampaBellesChallenges, kjer se ne sme uporabiti štampiljk nobene vrste - zame zelo zanimivo, saj ponavadi vsaj odtisnem kakšno voščilo ali uporabim digitalno štampiljko. 
znašla sem se tako, da sem uporabila prastar komplet za ustvarjanje voščilnic iz rayheya, na katerem se nabira prah. voščilnica je v nekakšni 3d tehniki - ne vem, kako se pravilno imenuje, ampak lepiš sličice, ki so po velikosti različne, eno na drugo. tako da podoba nekako izstopi od podlage in prav super izpade v živo. preveč bleščečo srebno osnovo sem zakamuflirala s pavsom.

lep vikend!

voščilnico prijavljam:
  1. UnstampaBelles Challenges  - Challenge #66: Use a Punctuation sign in your work somewhere
  2. ABC Christmas Challenge Blog - E, F & G are for? 'E is for Edge' 
  3. March Rudolph Days Challenge
  4. Winter Wonderland Challenge Blog  - Christmas Animals or Birds (deer charm)
  5. 52 weeks to Christmas ...CHALLENGE MAART
  6. Fab'n'funky - Challenge #344 - Christmas
  7. CHNC challenge 326
  8. CHNC challenge extra for March 2017
  9. The Ribbon Girl Blog - March 'Use any image Challenge' ...
  10. CropStop Blog - March Challenge – Link Party #26 (Spellbinders Lace Doily Motifs die) 

24 komentarjev:

  1. Dobro ti je uspelo in pavs se ji fino poda :)

  2. What a lovey shape card! Love the shape and tiny deer charm by the ribbon bow! Thanks for linking your talent to the Cropstop Challenge!

  3. Lepa je! Božiček je prav simpatičen. Tudi sama imam nekaj teh papirjev za večplastne motive, pa se še nikoli nisem lotila... Bo treba probat.

  4. So very cute and pretty Tina.

  5. Hi Tina,
    what a brilliant card and your design is fantastic.
    Love that very cute image it's so lovely.
    Thank you for joining the Rudolf Challenge.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L. DT

  6. A super Santa card and it's such a lovely shape. I really like your little reindeer charm. Barbxx

  7. This is beautiful, Tina!! I love the shape!! Santa is adorable!! Love the reindeer charm!! So gorgeous!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  8. This is a very pretty card, Tina. We call this work that you did on your image, decoupage. IT is the layering of the image to create depth! Your dies are lovely and set off the great decoupaged Santa.
    Thanks for taking part in the March Rudolph Days Challenge

  9. Beautiful card !
    Thans for joining us !
    DT 52 WTC

  10. A beautiful card Tina, such a sweet image and great design.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  11. So cute and you have managed to not use any stamps or digis. A perfect result. Your decoupage shows the image off well. hugs Mrs A.

  12. A great Christmas card. Thanks for sharing with us at Unstampabelles.

  13. Beautiful decoupage. An old but good skill. Thanks for joining in our fun at Unstampabelles.

  14. Such a lovely santa image - I love the frame and layout, thank you for playing along with us in our Christmas challenge at Fab'n'Funky Challenges hugs Judith x

  15. A lovely card and the deer charm adds the perfect finishing touch. Thank you for sharing with us at Winter Wonderland.
    Kath x

  16. Such a wonderful Christmas card you have made,Tina! Love the shape and your cute Santa.
    Thanks for sharing with us at ABC Christmas Challenge and I hope you will join us again soon.
    Hugs Dorte

  17. Gorgeous card Tina :-) I love the fun vintage Santa image and the shape and details are fabulous :-)

    Thanks for joining us on the ABC Christmas Challenge 🎄
    Lols x x x

  18. Joj kako srčkana voščilnica....res škoda, da se je nabiral prah na tako simpatičnem 3d božičku. Hvala, da se igraš z nami na Fab'n'Funky challenge.Lp Neva

  19. Beautiful card Tina ! Creative regards, Gina

  20. A beautiful card, you made!
    Thanks for joining us at 52WTC.
    Monique DT 52 WTC

  21. A beautiful card!
    Greetings Suzan,
    DT 52WTC

  22. What a pretty frame and gorgeous image. A lovely Christmas card. Thanks so much for joining in the fun with the Fab 'n' Funky challenge for our 'Christmas' challenge. Looking forward to seeing your next entry for our challenges. Hugs, Wends xoxo Fab 'n' Funky DT

  23. Fabby looking card. Lovely image and design. Thanks for joining us over at the winter wonderland.
    Love n hugs

  24. What a beautiful card! Such a cute image!
