Zakaj treebug?

zato, ker ta kombinacija besed pove moje bistvo - skrb za okolje in ustvarjanje, kjer je moj najboljši prijatelj cuttlebug. okolje je delo, ustvarjanje je strast, oboje pa je način življenja.

torek, 28. april 2020

metulj na leseni podlagi

mislim, da smo se vsi starši, ki imamo šoloobvezne otroke, razveselili teh počitnic, čeprav jih bomo morali preživeti doma, običajno smo na morju, da malo zamenjamo okolje. jaz sem včeraj poslala še zadnje fotografije naših nalog učiteljicam in imam zdaj tudi jaz prosto, kar paše :)
tole je ena mojih najljubših štampiljk metuljev in je od hero arts. ozadje sem suho embosirala, zelen pas pa sem naredila kot stencil monoprint s šablono stamplorations, ki je prav tako ena mojih najljubših tehnik - stencil šablono premažete z distress inki, poškropite z vodo in jo pritisnete ob akvarelni papir. meni so tako všeč vsi ti nepredvidljivi učinki. 


imejte se lepo!

voščilnico prijavljam:
  1. Power Poppy - Creative Confetti: Sketch It Out!
  2. Allsorts challenge - Week 569 - Add a Bow
  3. A Blog Named Hero - April Challenge: Watercolour Hero Arts Cling Stamp - (for Basic Grey)-Out of Print-Butterflies & Print
  4. A Blog Named Hero - STAY CRAFTY WITH HERO CHALLENGE #6 -I used stencil as a stencil monoprint, I think it is a bit different technique. 
  5. Butterfly challenge - 140 Spin The Butterfly Wheel with W for Waterfall Card. - Wheat/Wood Effect +your Butterfly.
  6. The Funkie Junkie Boutique Blog - A Mother's Love
  7. Stamplorations - April Theme and Photo Prompt Challenge - theme
  8. STAMPlorations - April Stencil Challenge - Fairy Tale Forest - ARTplorations Stencil - Sanna Lippert Designs
  9. STAMPlorations Never-ending Anything Goes Challenge - Fairy Tale Forest - ARTplorations Stencil - Sanna Lippert Designs
  10. Incy wincy designs – April 20 - May 2 DECORATION/IMAGE STARTING WITH YOUR FIRST INITIAL - T - twine

11 komentarjev:

  1. This is really beautiful Tina. I adore the colour palette.

  2. I love especially the background. Thank you for sharing at Incy Wincy Designs Challenge.

  3. Super shades of green and pink and love the edged border, lovely creation. Thank you for joining our 'Add a Bow'' challenge at Allsorts.

    Kath x

  4. You've combined all the elements to make a beautiful card. Thanks so much for joining in with my add a bow challenge at Allsorts.
    Lynn x

  5. I just that wood effect and the string bow and that is a super butterfly. Thankyou for coming and spinning the butterfly wheel with me. Hugs Mrs A.

  6. What a pretty Spring Butterfly creation, many thanks for sharing with us at Allsorts challenge.

    B x

  7. What a beautiful spring card! I love that green monoprint on the lacy band -- just gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your card with us at The Funkie Junkie Boutique blog!

  8. This is such a happy card with that gorgeous butterfly. Thanks for joining us at The Funkie Junkie Boutique Blog.

  9. Sweet and pretty card.
    Thank you for sharing at Allsorts;-))m

  10. Beautiful Tina. The butterfly really pops!

  11. Zelo lepa voščilnica v čudovitih pomladnih barvah.
