Zakaj treebug?

zato, ker ta kombinacija besed pove moje bistvo - skrb za okolje in ustvarjanje, kjer je moj najboljši prijatelj cuttlebug. okolje je delo, ustvarjanje je strast, oboje pa je način življenja.

torek, 4. oktober 2022

jesen je druga pomlad

 jesen je druga pomlad, pravi krasni tale citat ...


imejte se lepo v tem lepem jesenskem vremenu!


11 komentarjev:

  1. Zelo lepo si ustvarjala, na temo bočke. Hvala ker sodeluješ pri CRAFT-alnici

  2. One of my fave quotes and such beautiful autumn colours. Thanks for taking part in my Gardeners Delight theme at Allsorts challenge this week. Lynn x

  3. Like Lynn, I love that quote as well Tina, a gorgeous Autumnal creation. Many thanks for sharing with us at Allsorts this week.

    B x

  4. Čudovita jesenska voščilnica. Hvala za družbo v Craft-alnici. Goga

  5. Tina, pri tebi, na tvoji voščilnici, je kot na mojem gričku, vsega po malem v objemu jeseni.
    Hvala, ker si znova obiskala Veselo hiško, lepo te je srečati vsaj virtualno, če ne v živo!
    Objem Majda

  6. Tina, what a wonderful sentiment for your autumn! I've never thought about fall that way, but it CERTAINLY is true!! Great use of leaves and pumpkins for our Double Trouble "Leafin' it up to you" challenge. Thank you for sharing your card and creativity with us!!! -Donna

  7. This is one of my favorite sentiments, Tina! The colors are so pretty and I love that you included pumpkins in your design. Thank you for playing along with us at Double Trouble #122.

  8. Like the vintage look and torn edges... pretty card and love the sentiment. Thanks for sharing with us at Double Trouble.

  9. Oh so pretty! I love that bottom Fall image! Thanks for sharing this with us at Double Trouble :)

  10. Your card is a delight with those colours. Thnkyou for coming and playing in the butterfly garden with me. Hugs Mrs A.

  11. S tem citatim bi se kar strinjala, obožujem ta letni čas. Voščilnica, ki si nam jo prinesla v Veselo hiško je res krasna. Hvala za obisk. Pozdrav Janja DT
