Zakaj treebug?

zato, ker ta kombinacija besed pove moje bistvo - skrb za okolje in ustvarjanje, kjer je moj najboljši prijatelj cuttlebug. okolje je delo, ustvarjanje je strast, oboje pa je način življenja.

sreda, 26. maj 2021

rože na potiskanem papirju in novoletno recikliranje prazničnih motivov (33/2021)

malce sem se igrala s to krasno štampiljko rož in jo odtisnila na potiskan papir. idejo za ta pristop sem dobila pri Lift Challenge, super izpade tole.

pa še notranjost, ker mi je štampiljka tako všeč


  1. Lift Challenge - Lift Challenge #161 
  2. Najlepši par - Galerija meseca maja - voščilo 
  3. My Favorite Things - MFT Color Challenge 165  
  4. Creative Knockouts - #402-Finish The Inside
  5. Stamplorations - Spring Fling Blog Hop and Linky Party 
  6. Die Cut Divas' challenge blog - Bingo red - glitter - flowers
  7. Allsorts challenge - Week 625 🎊 Our 12th Birthday - Anything with Happy Bright and Sunny Colours
  8. Di's DigiDesigns Challenge - BIRTHDAY WISHES Challenge

enkrat pa sem ponoči še malo reciklirala in ostala pri novoletnem CAS.

  1. Scraps of Life by Scrappymo! - May Rudolph Days Challenge
  2. ABC Christmas Challenge Blog - ABC Christmas Challenge, J and K are for... J for Jewels 
  3. CHNC challenge 543 
  4. Najlepši par - Galerija meseca maja - voščilo 

imejte se lepo!

12 komentarjev:

  1. Oh gosh Tina, this is gorgeous!

    Beautiful inside as well, just splendid!

    Thank you so much for joining us over at Creative Knockouts, I hope you play along again soon!

  2. Res lepo pride odtis na pikastem papirju. Ozadje je pa sploh krasno! Lepo si reciklirala!

  3. This is so pretty Tina, I'm a big fan of paper piecing and the colours here are very striking.

    Thanks for sharing another card in our Allsorts Birthday challenge.

    B x

  4. That is a different way to paper piece! I must try this as yours is so very effective and pretty. Thank you for joining in with our 12th Birthday celebrations at Allsorts.

  5. Really awesome! Thanks for joining us at Die Cut Divas!

  6. Hi Tina,
    Happy Rudolf Days.
    what a very lovely card and such wonderful images too.
    Love the traditional colours as well.
    Thank you for joining the Rudolf Challenge.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L. DT

  7. So pretty!! Thanks for joining in our tic-tac-toe challenge at Die Cut Divas.

  8. Your card is amazing!! I like it very much when the motif stays black and white and only the background is colored!

  9. Hi there. Your card is so lovely. I am a fan of this stamped image...especially on the design paper you chose. I have a very similar stamp to yours, i will have to give this idea a try.

    The Rudolph Days challenge is limited to ten entries into other challenges, including ours. Your card is still welcome, but to be eligible for our prize you would need to delete some of your other challenge entries.
    Thanks for taking part in the May Rudolph Days Challenge.

  10. I read about the trouble you had with mr. Linky so linked your card for you.
    A very nice take on our Liftcard, Tina. A beautiful stamp that combines very nicely with this lovely paper. A very striking background too! Thank you for joining us at the Liftchallenge.

  11. Great choice of stamp for this challenge, Tina. Your card is beautiful! Thank you for joining us on this liftchallenge.

  12. Ta odtis na potiskanem papirju res super izpade. Čudovita voščilnica. Same krasne ideje pri tebi. Jaz pa sploh ne pridem več do ustvarjanja, kaj šele do bloga...
