Zakaj treebug?

zato, ker ta kombinacija besed pove moje bistvo - skrb za okolje in ustvarjanje, kjer je moj najboljši prijatelj cuttlebug. okolje je delo, ustvarjanje je strast, oboje pa je način življenja.

torek, 2. april 2024

okrasna vrečka s taščinimi jeziki

Kolegica obožuje taščine jezike, tako da sem ji podarila malenkosti v darilni vrečki v tem stilu.
ustcarjala sem s krasnimi šablonami Marianne design in luknjačem Marthe Stewart.


Imejte se lepo.


6 komentarjev:

  1. A lovely idea for a gift bag decoration. thankyou for sharing in the butterfly garden with me.

  2. A lovely CAS design for you gift bag, Tina. Thank you for sharing another creation in the Allsorts Challenge.
    Liz xx

  3. A great CAS decoration for your bag. Thanks for taking part at Allsorts challenge.

  4. Another lovely make for us at Allsorts. thank you for sharing. Sarah

  5. Lovely way to dress up a gift bag.

  6. What a lovely way to present a gift, especially when it is so personalized. Thanks so much for sharing with us at CRAFT Challenge this week!
