metulj na svetleči podlagi z zanimivo tehniko cloissone, pri kateri porabimo še malce zalog revij, koledarjev in podobnih svetlečih papirjev v kombinaciji s krasno štampiljko od Unity ...
imejte se lepo!
- Craft-alnica - Izziv #355: RUMENA BARVA
- Najlepši par - Galerija – marec 2024, Pomladna galerija – voščilo
- Allsorts challenge - Week 771 🌼
- We Love Stamping Challenge - March challenge feminine
- Stamping Sensation - March challenge spring
- My Favorite Things - Sketch Challenge 688 Is Here
- Butterfly Challenge – #193 Spin The Butterfly Wheel with C for Cloisonne Technique. - playing for the second prize - 2 colours from the palette shown above - canary, camel, caris ... Faux Cloisonne Technique + Congratulations (čestitke means congratulations) + Your Butterflies
- Beautiful Blossoms Floral Challenge - Beautiful Blossoms Challenge - Anything Floral Goes with Optional Mood Board #14
- The Paper Shelter Challenge Blog - Challenge #586 - In The Garden
- Simon says Wednesday Challenge,
- Inspiration Station March 2024 - Inspiration Prompt #59 - I was inspired by the yelloew colour.
Tina, this is really pretty. I love the big bold butterfly. Thankyou for coming and playing in the butterfly garden with me.
OdgovoriIzbrišihugs Mrs A.
A beautiful bold golden Butterfly Tina, the whole card has a Vintage feel to it, many thanks for sharing with us at Stamping Sensations and We Love Stamping challenges.
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt'[s in the post!
B x
Beautiful butterfly and technique. Thank you for joining the challenge at Allsorts.
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful gold embossing on that large butterfly. Thanks for joining us at The Beautiful Blossoms Challenge and please share again soon.
OdgovoriIzbrišiDonna xx
Inspiration Station Challenge
Paper Funday Challenge
Beautiful Blossoms Challenge
A wonderful mix of texture and papers. Thank you for sharing with us at Allsorts.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAn awesome creation Tina. Thank you for sharing it with us at We Love Stamping.
Another wonderful card. Thank you for sharing at Allsorts. Sarah
OdgovoriIzbrišiGreat technique and love the beautiful embossed butterfly.THank you for joining us at Stamping Sensations.
OdgovoriIzbrišiCarol DT x
Hvala, ker z zelo lepo voščilnico v rumeni barvi sodeluješ pri CRAFT-alnici
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat an interesting technique you have used. Not heard of this one before. Thank you for joining in the Paper Shelter challenge. We hope to see you join in again.
OdgovoriIzbrišiApologies for the late comment though - work's been busy!
Vannessa DT
Gorgeous design, I love the embossed butterfly and the mixed media feel of the card. Thanks for joining us at The Inspiration Station and Beautiful Blossoms Challenges, we look forward to seeing more from you soon.
OdgovoriIzbrišiDona xx
Inspiration Station Challenge
Paper Funday Challenge
Beautiful Blossoms Challenge