krasni mišek house-Mouse z modrim darilom, pobarvano z akvarelnimi barvicami, v ozadju pa stencil šablona snežink od Marianne Design ... obožujem modro, tako da monokromatsko tokrat.
lepo nedeljo!
- Najlepši par - Galerija meseca decembra – voščilo
- Vesela hiška - IZZIV # 26 - ZIMA
- ArtMBR - Praznični izziv pri ArtMBR 2021 – Hrestač in Klarina omara – seveda miškoti, Magda, hvala!
- House-Mouse and friends Monday Challenge - HMFMC # 355 Anything Goes Option Snow and / Or Glitter
- My Favorite Things - Wednesday Sketch Challenge – Sketch 574
- Allsorts challenge - Week 657 ⬛️⬜️+ ? Black and White plus One
- Simon Monday Challenge Blog – Simon Says: Party!
- Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog - Simon Says: It’s Time To Party
- The Outlawz - Colour Challenge December 28 - January 10, 2022
- Challenge Kleuren met Potloden - Challenge december: Alles mag- I coloured with watercoloured pencils.
- Friendship challenge - Challenge #73 - Der Winter hält Einzug
- Your Next Stamp - Challenge #174 – Pets
- The Outlawz - Twisted Thursday Challenge : December 30 - January 12
- Lil Patch of Crafty Friends Challenge - C# 173
- My Besties International Challenge Blog - January Challenge
- Color It, Create It, Show It Off Challenge Blog - January 2022 Challenge
- Cute As A Button Challenge Blog - Welcome to Challenge #76
Love your water colouring. A sweet card. Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Crafty New Year. Hugs Mrs A.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSimpatična voščilnica.
OdgovoriIzbrišiŽelim ti vse dobro v novem letu 🍀
I love the background for this cute mousey. Great card! Thanks for sharing at HMFMC. xx Happy New Year!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI do love monochromatic cards and this is no exception. Your little mouse looks so excited unwrapping his present. xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiA great HM creation Tina and perfect for our theme this week, many thanks for joining in with this weeks challenge at Allsorts.
OdgovoriIzbrišiB x
I now have this stamp too, I got it from the Weihanchtsmann ... ;-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour card is beautiful, I really like that you kept it in a color tone.
beautiful card Tina
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for playing with us at House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge.
Goodluck and hope we see you again.
Gr Karin DT Member
Ne vem zakaj se ti prisrčni mišeki letos tako bojijo Kalrine omare. Pa še v zasneženi deželi se dogaja tvoja simpatična scena.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper cute card Tina :-) the mousie image is one of my all time faves, and the background and sparkle are gorgeous :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for joining us on the House Mouse and Friends Monday Challenge
Lols x x x
Čudovita v nodrem je Tina. Vse dobro in veliko lepih presenečenj v 2022.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is a very pretty design and it looks lovely in the limited colours. Thanks for joining us at Allsorts challenge this week.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWonderful and cute! I love the mouse with the present so much.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for joining us at Friendship Challenge.
Good luck and all the best!
Ilse (thera)
So cute Tina. Sorry I haven't been commenting on your cards, I have just got back this evening from 12 days away.
A cute card Tina, a lovely background and sweet image.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPauline - Crafting with Cotnob
lovely card thanks for joining kleuren met potloden
OdgovoriIzbrišigroet Josje
A great fun card.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for joining us at the Lil Patch of Crafty Friends Challenge.
Helen x
Kako čudovito ozadje si naredila temu mišku. Motiv pa je itak prikupen, da je joj...
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is adorably cute and I just purchased this stamp myself! Thank you for joining our challenge at Colorful Options!
OdgovoriIzbrišiDiane CO DT {Nellies Nest}
{Colorful Options}
Girl, you are on a roll! SO cute! Thanks so much for playing in our challenge at Colorful Options!
Prav lepo mu paše ta modra. Lepo je zatoplen miškon v odvijanje darila, medtem ko okrog njega sneži. Hvala za krasen obisk v Veseli hiški. Pozdrav Janja DT