velika snežinka v modrem - stencil gine K. - tu pa sem se poigrala s tehniko senčenja v različnih odtenkih modre, tako da so črte med prehodi vidne ...
pa še en ujemajoči se tag za darilca ...
sodelujem pri Ellen Hutson's 12 Tags of Christmas 2021
Challenge – I was inspired by December 4 – Let it Snow with Lisa Spangler + Caryn
imejte se lepo!
z voščilnico sodelujem:
- ArtMBR - Praznični izziv pri ArtMBR 2021 – Hrestač in Klarina omara – ples snežink
- Simon Monday Challenge Blog – Simon Says:
Sparkle Mode
- Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog - Simon Says: Happy Holidays/Christmas
- Modsquad Challenge Blog - Just Snowflakes
- Creative Knockouts - #430-Winter Wonderland
- PIP Challenge 2149
- The Crafter's Cafe Challenge Blog - 1 December #279 Anything Goes
- As you like it - Favourite Christmas Embellishment & Why - I love making Christmas cards and I like gems to decorate them...
- Uniko Challenge #68 - Celebrate + optional twist Reds & Greens - celebrating New Year
STAMPlorations - {December Stencil Challenge}
Super si senčila in ujela različne barvne odtenke. Fantastična voščilnica.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow, love the color variation of that gorgeous snowflake Tina!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for joining us at Creative Knockouts, hope you join us again!
This is just beautiful, I love what you have done with that stencil. Lots of wonderful work and great take on the challenge. Thanks so much for playing along with us over at The Mod Squad. Hope we see you back again soon!
OdgovoriIzbrišiJudy~ Mod Squad Designer
Kako krasna snežinka. Res si prava mojstrica stencil šablon. Vedno znova te občudujem.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh that’s a lovely stencil and what a great size. You’ve done a lovely job with the colours and shading. Thanks for playing along with Uniko. X
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper pretty ! Love the different hues of blue!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you so much for joining us at Uniko!