najprej sem naredila voščilnico z nadvse simpatično hobotnico lawn fawn in stencil žarkov od taylored expressions.
- Craft-alnica - Izziv #288: GREMO NA MORJE
- Lawn Fawnatics - LAWN FAWNATICS CHALLENGE 102 – ALL THINGS OCEAN - I used your stud puffin, octopi my heart, Sweater weather paper
- Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog - Simon Says: Animal Antics
- Scrapping4funChallenges - Challenge 194 - Anything Goes with an Animal
- 2 Crafty Critter Crazies - Challenge #51
- Knutselsenkadootjes - It's lovely, deep in the sea...
- Your Next Stamp - Challenge #166
- Allsorts challenge - Week 629 🎀 Anything Goes with option to add buttons or bows
- Di's DigiDesigns Challenge - FOR A CHILD Challenge
- Bastel Traum Challenge Blog - #102 Tiere | Animals
- STAMPlorations - June Stencil Challenge
- Stamplorations - June CAS Challenge
- Stamplorations - June Theme and Photo Prompt Challenge 2 collors
- Knutselsenkadootjes - It's lovely, deep in the sea...
nato pa sem se spomnila, da lahko naredim še twofer s sončnimi žarki, juhuhu:
Twofer Card Challenge #39 ~ Sunshine! - a friendship card and a birthday card.
- Less is More - Challenge #445 - Pale Blue and Yellow
- Bizzy Becs Blog Challenge - Anything Goes Challenge - June ....
- Time Out Challenges - Challenge #190 - Inspired by this beautiful sunshine place where I would like to spend my holidays and take some pictures ...
imejte se lepo!
Very cool cards ... love the sun rays!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTwo great cards Tina!! I love how you did the stenciled rays in blues on your 1st card and the layout design too...awesome! FUN 2nd card too for someone taking off on an adventure...CAS and just perfect! Thanks so much for sharing these beauties with us at The Twofer Challenge!! Marcia :0)
OdgovoriIzbrišiZelo luštna voščilnica.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI really love the cute octopus.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for your entry at scrapping4funchallenges.
Manal DT
Twofer one! Great makes for your chosen challenges
Krasna morska scena! Hvala, ker sodeluješ pri CRAFT-alnici.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTwo awesome creations Tina.
O kako lepo si naredila prodor svetlobe v morje. všečno!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTudi druga voščilnica z žarki mi je všeč.
Two lovely cards using the sun rays, Tina! You did a beautiful job with the colors and stenciling. That octopus is adorable and you made it look just like the sun's rays were penetrating down through the sea to shine on him! Thank you for playing in TCC #39! Hugs, Darnell
OdgovoriIzbrišiKrasen twofer s sončnimi žarki si ustvarila. Nad hobotnico, ki jo na dnu morja božajo sončni žarki, sem popolnoma navdušena. Tudi druga voščilnica je čudovita in bo gotovo nekomu polepšala dan. Na obeh sta mi všeč postavitvi. Hvala, ker si se nam pridružila na TCC #39. Sonja
OdgovoriIzbrišiA really lovely card, great images and colours. Thank you for joining our 'Buttons and Bow' challenge at Allsorts.
OdgovoriIzbrišiKath x
Many thanks for joining us once again for our challenge at Allsorts this week with this lovely card.
How lovely this card is gorgeous colours and design thank you for joining our challenge at ALLSORTS this week
lolo x
Beautiful CAS design! Love the softly stenciled sunrays and the colors of the card, great work! Thank you for joining us at Time Out!
OdgovoriIzbrišiVery nice card! Thanks for joining us at K&K.
OdgovoriIzbrišiLieve groetjes Monique
ooo kako luštna voščilnica in krasna scena iz globin morja :-)) Super si jo sestavial!
OdgovoriIzbrišiVesela sem, da ustvarjaš z nami v CRAFT-alnici ❤️
Krasno morsko voščilnico si pričarala! Še sreča za tale izziv, ki nas malce ohladi :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, ker sodeluješ v Craft-alnici, kjer sem tokratna gostja.
Lepo bodi, Majda
Ooo super duo. Hvala, da si se nam pridružila v morski Craft-alnici. Lp Goga
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuch a cute card, I love the stenciled background! Thank you very much for joining us at the bastel-traum Challenge.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHugs and good luck
Stephanie Klein
DT bastel-traum challenge
Lovely set of cards. Love the use of stencil with the camera, great effect. Thank you for sharing and joining in with us at Bizzy Becs for our Anything Goes Challenge. Karen DT
OdgovoriIzbrišiThe light coming down through the water looks very convincing. Thanks for sharing at STAMPlorations Theme and Photo challenge. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiObe sta čudoviti, a zame ta prikupna hobotnica zmaga. Res lepa voščilnica!