mavrična deklica - digi je od LeAnn's World 101 - ker obožujem mavrične zadeve, malo barvanja z barvicami in tole voščilo je bilo kot naročeno.
voščilnico prijavljam:
- LeAnn's World 101 -Brandie - Progressive Challenge #36
- My Favorite Things - Summer School Day 2: Rainbow - I used MFT sun die.
- Cute card Thursday - Challenge 647 - Bright Colours!
- Colour Crazy Challenge - Week 31 - Anything Goes Colouring Challenge -
SheepSki Designs Challenges - Challenge #41 "NO RULES - ANYTHING YOU WANT"
My Besties International Challenge Blog - August Challenge
Cute As A Button Challenge Blog - Welcome to Challenge #59
no, potem pa sem se spomnila, da lahko naredim iz tega sonca twofer s sončnimi rožami v vročih poletnih barvah. Twofer je super izziv, da uporabimo isto šablono, štampiljko, stencil ... za različne namene. In malo pomislimo izven okvirjev.
prijavljam jo:
- Less is More - Challenge #425 - Summer Flowers
- My Favorite Things - Summer School Day 5: White Space
- Simon Monday Challenge Blog - Simon Says: Summer Memories
- Your Next Stamp - Challenge #145 – Celebration
prijavljam k Twofer Card Challenge #30 ~ Sun / Moon (birthday card and encouragement/friendship card)
imejte se lepo in mavrično!
Kako fletna gospodična lovi mavrico :).
OdgovoriIzbrišiLepa mavrična deklica!Pozdrav OLga
OdgovoriIzbrišiI like the way you have the image sitting on the lines. Hugs Mrs A.
OdgovoriIzbrišiA fabulous creation Tina.
Just love your sun Twofer, Tina! The white sun looks amazing on card one and I love the sun turned into colorful flowers for card two!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrikupna gospodična v lepih barvah.Nasploh sta mi obe voščilnici zelo všeč.
OdgovoriIzbrišiCute, CUTE cards Tina and you've used that sun die beautifully in both your friendship card and your birthday card! Thanks so much for sharing with us at The Twofer Challenge!! :0)
OdgovoriIzbrišiVery quick thinking, Tina! I'm so glad you remembered about Twofer and I love both designs you've made using that great stitched sun! The rainbow card is very pretty and I love the bold colors of your bright "sun" flowers and leaves!! Thank you so much for playing in Twofer Card Challenge #30! Keep well! Hugs, Darnell
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful cards. The image is adorable. Love the fun and happy colours on both cards. Lena xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour two sun cards are pretty, the rainbow card is colorful and your flowers are a great alternate use for the sun die. Thankyou for playing along with Twofer Card Challenge #30.
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour bright sunflowers certainly rise to our summer flowers challenge. Thanks for playing along with us at Less is More :)