maskiranje je kar eksotična tehnika zame, ki se redko poslužujem štampiljkanja. tokrat sem vzela v roke tinine divje vrtnice in jih postavila v šopek.
tule pa še trije ananasi naših treh otrok, od najmlajšega do najstarejše - kot rečeno, stencil šablone in senčenje z distress inki so zakon! vsi gredo na obisk k Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog – Kids
Summer Vacation Challenge.
imejte se lepo!
Voščilnico z vrtnicami prijavljam:
- Craft-alnica - Izziv #241: MASKIRANJE
- Najlepši par - Galerija meseca avgusta
- Najlepši par - Celotna kolekcija jesen-zima je lahko tvoja - voščilo
- My Favorite Things - MFT Color Challenge 123
- Petals For The Pittman’s Fundraiser & Linky Party
- Scrapping4fun Challenges - Challenge 146 - AG + Stitching
- Cupcake - CIC476--DRS Designs
- Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog – Simon Says: Add A Die Cut
- Polkadoodles - Wk32 - Anything Goes Crafting & Cardmaking challenge at Polkadoodles
- Knutselsenkadootjes - Summer bingo at Knutsels and Kadootjes: flower - white - embellishments
- Crafting by designs - August Anything Goes
- My Favorite Things - Camp Create Day 2: Magnificent Masking
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful cards Tina, they are all fabulous but I especially like the roses - gorgeous colours.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPauline - Crafting with Cotnob
OOO kako čudovit šopek, ampak ananas v obdelavi flumastra pa zmaga :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh my goodess how cute are these pineapples!! the colours and faces are adorable! Well done Paskal, Fiona and Taras! All 3 are gorgeous! :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišithanks for joining us on the Simon Says Stamp Kids Vacation Challenge
Lols x x x
Paskal, Taras and Fiona, what an awesome trio of pineapples! I love how you have made each one unique!! The faces and the shading are very cool!! Thanks so much for sharing your awesome card with us at the Summer Kids Challenge at SImon Says Stamp! hugs, Maura
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper ti je uspela tehnika maskiranja Hvala, ker sodeluješ pri CRAFT-alnici
OdgovoriIzbrišiPretty card!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for playing along with us at Tuesday Morning Sketches!
Debbie ~ TMS DT
Debbie's Dash of This and That
Barvito voščilnico si naredila in lepo uporabila tehniko maskiranja :-))
OdgovoriIzbrišiVesela sem, ker ustvarjaš z nami v izzivu CRAFT-alnice … Srečno!
Čudovito ustvarjanje.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, da si se nam pridružila v Craft-alnici. Lp Goga
Fantastic cards. Thanks for joining us at Polkadoodles. Good luck Fleur xxx
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a wonderful trio of pineapples! It's wonderful to see the personalities of each child shining through! Thank you for sharing these with us at the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Kids' Challenge!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBeautiful card! Thanks for joining us at K&K
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour card is gorgeous and oh, how delightful your children's creations! So much sweetness! Thank you for sharing in the Uniko gallery!
Very pretty card! So glad you shared your talents with us at Cupcake Inspirations!