k pomladni vili so me nagovorile barve iz spodnje sheme, ki so jo pripravili pri cards und more, kamor so me povabili na gostovanje, hvala!
izbrala sem si motiv vile marianne design, ga obdala z okroglim okvirom - negativom kroga in odela v pomladne barve. beseda zate je oblečena še v lepilni trak, ki je pri meni nova črna, povsod ga dodajam :)))) in res je krasen efekt.
po včerajšnji medli pošiljki snega upam, da je to to in da se sedaj res začenja pomlad :)
izbrala sem si motiv vile marianne design, ga obdala z okroglim okvirom - negativom kroga in odela v pomladne barve. beseda zate je oblečena še v lepilni trak, ki je pri meni nova črna, povsod ga dodajam :)))) in res je krasen efekt.
po včerajšnji medli pošiljki snega upam, da je to to in da se sedaj res začenja pomlad :)
pridružite se nam na krasnem pomladanskem barvnem izzivu in lepo se imejte!
voščilnico prijavljam:
- Najlepši par - Galerija meseca marca - zate, pravokotnik s šivi
- Vladka in Tina - Ko me inspirira #70 - kreativno uporabi negativ izreza
- Catch The Bug Challenge Blog - Stella Says Sketch Challenge #705
- Butterfly challenge #118 Spin The Butterfly Wheel with B for Bifold. - bluebell, banana, button,
- Crafty Calendar Challenge - March Challenge - 'For A Child'
- Crafty Creations Challenges - Challenge #385 - Anything Goes
- Allsorts challenge - Week 510 - For a Child
- Crafting by designs - Anything Goes
- Pile It On Challenge #152 - Your Favorite Color - I love purple too.
- DL.ART MARCH 2019 Linky Challenge.
- Through the Craft Room Door AG Challenge Blog - TTCRD Anything Goes Challenge for the week of March 11, 2019
- Simon Monday Challenge Blog - Simon Says: Feminine/Girly
- Incy wincy designs – March 4 - 16 LET'S USE RIBBON
- As you like it - Layers - one or many (and why)? - I love layers because I love playing with the die-cuts and assembling them.
- Creative Inspirations Challenge Blog - March Challenge - Spring Greens!
A really pretty creation for the girls Tina, many thanks for joining in with our 'For a Child' theme at Allsorts challenge.
OdgovoriIzbrišiB x
This is so gorgeous!! What a beautiful image!! I love the colors, too!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
Tale voščilnica je pa zelo pomladna. :-) Lušna. :-))
OdgovoriIzbrišiI like the way you have captured the image inside the circle. The bulbs are all beginning to flower here now. I hope spring comes to you soon too. Thankyou for coming and sounningspinningspinnincoming the butterfly wheel with me This week. Hugs Mrs A.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is so pretty and thanks for sharing with us at Crafty Calendar hugs Sue xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiČarobno in veselo je tole.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVery sweet.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for joining us at the Kreativtanten Challenge.
Greetings Andrea
Such a wonderful card, absolutely beautiful coloring! Such a lovely card and beautiful sentiment. Thanks so much for sharing with us at As You Like It Challenge!
OdgovoriIzbrišiReally sweet! Thank you for entering our challenge at Allsorts this week and good luck in the prize draw.
OdgovoriIzbrišiNice colours! I like the little butterflies!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for playing along with us at our present challenge at Kreativ-Tanten and good luck! Hope you will join us next month again.
*DT + Admin* Do-Al(l) Kreatives {#27 – Fancy Folds}
*DT* Kreativ-Tanten Challenge {#27 – fairy tale}
*DT* Craft Rocket Challenges {#57 – flowers}
Alex' Kreative Seite
wunderschöne karte, viel glück bei der verlosung und alles liebe von der kreativtante patty
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudovita vila in krasne barve v ozadju.