sreda, 27. september 2023

jesenski citat

jesenski citat ....

Obožujem velike napise, sploh s takim pomenom... Žal ne vem, čigave so te rdeče gumijaste štampiljke, dobila sem jih kot darilo... 

 imejte se lepo!


5 komentarjev:

  1. That's a very powerful sentiment Tina, many thanks for sharing with us at Stamping Sensations and We Love Stamping challenges.

    B x

  2. A very inspiring quote Tina. Thank you for sharing another of your lovely creations in the Allsorts challenge this week.
    Liz xx

  3. Love the encouraging,inspiring quote.
    Carol x
    THank you for joining us at Stamping Sensations
    Carol DT x

  4. This is a great quote, it doesn't need much else. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Stamping Sensations challenges.
