ponedeljek, 18. oktober 2021

jesenske vrtnice

 tinine vrtnice v jesenskih tonih, vsakič znova me prevzamejo ... 


imejte se lepo!

  1. Sketch Saturday - Week #682 
  2. The Flower Challenge #61 Use a Shape and 5th Birthday - I love shaped background with stripes. I hope this counts for the challenge.
  3. Allsorts challenge - Week 646 🍁 Anything Autumn 
  4. Simon Monday Challenge Blog –  Simon Says: Fall Colors Mood Board
  5. We love Chocolate Baroque Challenge - October - Anything Autumn
  6. Inspiration Station Challenge #16 - Pumpkin Patch - inspired by all the orange colour ...

7 komentarjev:

  1. I lovey design Tina, many thanks for joining in with our Autumn themes at Allsorts and We Love Chocolate Baroque challenges.

    B x

  2. Beautiful autumnal colours Tina .. fab card. Thanks for joking us at Allsorts challenge this week
    Pauline x

  3. Vrtnice so res čudovite, ozadje pa tudi fantastično. Krasna voščilnica.

  4. Fab creation, thanks for joining Allsorts challenge, good luck.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  5. Such a beautiful card Tina, thanks for sharing with us over at 'The Flower Challenge' ;) Viv DT xx

  6. Fabulous and sweet card! Thank you for sharing at WLCB;-))m

  7. Beautiful design - the kraft goes really well with the shades of orange you've used.

    Thanks for joining us at the Inspiration Station Challenge.

    Helen x
