ponedeljek, 6. julij 2020

božiček na sneženi krogli (39/2020)

božiček na podloženi sneženi krogli, v ozadju pa res krasna stencil šablona gine k. 

obiskal pa me je tudi božiček iz grčija - pri krasni mii sem maja zadela bonbonček in končno je pošta v teh nemirnih časih zmogla tudi do nas - mia, najlepša ti hvala, vse mi je tako všeč, sploh pa stencil in tvoji washiji so med najlepšimi, kar sem jih videla!  

imejte se lepo!

voščilnico prijavljam:

  1. 52 Christmas Card Throwdown  - July Sketch Challenge
  2. Simon Monday Challenge Blog - Simon Says: Take Me For A Ride - riding with santa :))))
  3. Simon Wednesday Challenge Blog – Simon Says: Bright and Cheerful  
  4. Modsquad Challenge Blog - SILHOUETTE TIME  
  5. Winter Wonderland Challenge Blog  - Hip to Be Square  
  6. Cute card Thursday - Challenge 641 - Anything Goes!

  7. CHNC challenge 497

  8. Di's DigiDesigns Challenge - CHRISTMAS IN JULY Challenge

  9. ABC Christmas Challenge Blog ABC Christmas Challenge - N & O are for? - N - No Fuss

  10. Time Out Challenges -  Challenge #165 - with a twist: embellishment - washi tape; days gone by - believing in Santa when we were kids ... but still believing in the magic of Christmas :)

11 komentarjev:

  1. What a lovely card, Tina!
    And I smiled when you wrote "A Santa Clause from Greece". Ha ha!
    I am so glad you received my gifts to you! And I am really glad that you like them!
    Enjoy, my dear friend.
    I send you a big hug and many kisses!

  2. A gorgeous creation Tina.

  3. Wow, your card is amazing. I love the design, the background an the idea with the snow globe!!

  4. A beautiful Christmas card. I love the way you created the snow globe. Thanks for playing with us at Time Out.

  5. Oh quelle jolie interprétation Tina, c'est très original et vraiment sympa, merci de jouer avec nous chez 52cct, biz

  6. This is simply fabulous. I love what you have done with that silhouette, I would have never thought to use that color, but it works so well. Great take on the challenge, thank you so much for participating this week at the Mod Squad Challenge
    Judy~ Mod Squad Challenge Designer
    {Judy's Happy Place} Stop by and see me!!!

  7. This is so beautiful!! Love the stenciled background and the gold glitter strip! Thanks for playing with Di's Digi Designs.

  8. Tina, čudovito voščilnico si naredila :-)) Krasno si se lotila naše skice. Hvala, ker ustvarjaš z nami pri 52CCT!

  9. Čudovita je. Krasno ozadje s stencil šablono. Super!

  10. Lovely snowglobe - I like how you can see through it to the snowflake stencil. Thank you for joining the For A Man or Boy Challenge at CHNC.

  11. You made a nice Christmas card with a beautiful background. Nice that you participate in the Di's Digi Stamp Challenge.

    Hugs, Astrid.
